Sunday, September 18, 2016

Educational Technologies: Looking beyond the Hype - Symposium 1 @ 14th APMEC on 13 January 2017, 1115am to 1245pm, at NUHS Tower Block Auditorium

Educational Technologies: Looking Beyond the Hype

David A. Cook (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine)
Goh Poh Sun (National University of Singapore)

Rapidly advancing computer technologies, now ubiquitous in our personal and professional lives, are permeating all phases of health professions education. Educators face the task of using these technologies to benefit learners. The presentations in this session and the subsequent panel discussion will explore the role of emerging technologies in health professions education. Presenters will review how educational technologies such as mobile devices, social media, and virtual/mixed/augmented reality might be used to promote learning in exciting ways and expand the boundaries of education. The panel will then pause to consider the hype vs reality in using these technologies, addressing questions such as: How well do these technologies measure up to expectations? How expensive are they, and are they worth the added cost? Will these new technologies turn out to be a disruptive innovation with lasting benefits, or a flash in the pan? Most importantly, how can these technologies be harnessed to support and enhance health professions education for a worldwide audience

Additional material presented at 14th APMEC pre-conference TeL workshop.

1. Goh, P.S. A proposal for a grading and ranking method as the first step toward developing a scoring system to measure the value and impact of viewership of online material in medical education - going beyond “clicks” and views toward learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:62. Epub 2016 Dec 9.

2. Goh, P.S. Presenting the outline of a proposal for a 5 part program of medical education research using eLearning or Technology enhanced learning to support Learning through the continuum of Undergraduate, through Postgraduate to Lifelong learning settings. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:55. Epub 2016 Dec 7. 

3. Goh, P.S. The value and impact of eLearning or Technology enhanced learning from one perspective of a Digital Scholar. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:31. Epub 2016 Oct 18.

4. Goh, P.S. A series of reflections on eLearning, traditional and blended learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:19. Epub 2016 Oct 14.

5. Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.

6. Sandars, J., Goh, P.S. Is there a need for a specific educational scholarship for using e-learning in medical education? Med Teach. 2016 Oct;38(10):1070-1071. Epub 2016 April 19.

7. Goh, P.S. eLearning or Technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not Hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

8. Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):858. Epub 2016 Jul 14.

9. Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.

10. Sandars J, Patel RS, Goh PS, Kokatailo PK, Lafferty N. The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Mar 17:1-4.

11. Dong C, Goh PS. Twelve tips for the effective use of videos in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Feb; 37(2):140-5.

12. Liaw SY, Wong LF, Chan SW, Ho JT, Mordiffi SZ, Ang SB, Goh PS, Ang EN. Designing and evaluating an interactive multimedia Web-based simulation for developing nurses' competencies in acute nursing care: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jan 12;17(1):e5.

Google image search for "the technology adoption curve"

In the next year, I am going to focus specifically on using an "Agile Technology Enhanced MedEd Research" paradigm, modelled after tech startups, underpinned by the principles of deliberate practice and mastery training that Jeroen van Merriënboer, and K. Anders Ericsson have extensively written about in their published writing - by using the thousands of (anonymised) thematic radiology cases (currently over 8000 cases) that I have been systematically accumulating over the last 5 years, and continue to accumulate, made available online (with no annotations, labels or answers); combined with data analytics (quantitative) + qualitative MedEd research techniques.

Goh, P.S. Presenting the outline of a proposal for a 5 part program of medical education research using eLearning or Technology enhanced learning to support Learning through the continuum of Undergraduate, through Postgraduate to Lifelong learning settings. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:55. Epub 2016 Dec 7.

"By reviewing research on medical performance and education, the author describes evidence for these representations and their development within the expert- performance framework. He uses the research to generate suggestions for improved training of medical students and professionals. Two strategies— designing learning environments with libraries of cases and creating opportunities for individualized teacher-guided training—should enable motivated individuals to acquire a full set of refined mental representations. Providing the right resources to support the expert- performance approach will allow such individuals to become self-regulated learners—that is, members of the medical community who have the tools to improve their own and their team members’ performances throughout their entire professional careers.'
from abstract of
Ericsson KA. Acquisition and maintenance of medical expertise: a perspective from the expert-performance approach with deliberate practice. Acad Med. 2015 Nov;90(11):1471-86. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000939. PubMed PMID: 26375267.

Essential Skills in eLearning (Pre-Conference workshop)

Essential Skills in eLearning (Pre-Conference workshop)


1. Read the following articles
* Cook DA, Dupras DM. A Practical Guide to Developing Effective Web-Based Learning. J Gen Intern Med. 2004; 19:698-707

* Cook DA, Ellaway RH. (2015). Evaluating Technology-Enhanced Learning: A Comprehensive Framework. Med Teach. 2015;37:961-70
(If you cannot access this article thru your institution library, contact David Cook and he will get you a copy.)

2. Respond to the following questions in the Padlet spaces below.
* Describe in 1 sentence who you are, and why you are coming to this workshop.
Please include your name.

* Describe in 1 sentence your reaction to the pre-reading assignment.
Please identify this posting with your name or initials.

We will use Padlet throughout the workshop.
* Padlet is an open access online writing surface. We will use it before and during the workshop.
* Anyone with a link can write on the Padlet wall. You do not need to sign in, but we ask that you please identify yourself because it makes for a more meaningful conversation.
* As long as you continue to use the same device, you can edit, add to, or delete your earlier postings. If you use a different device, you will not be able to edit your previous comments.
* The Padlet wall is organised so that the latest post is always on the top.

(key slides Poh Sun will be using - with review of four areas in the workshop - 1) when and why to use technology; focus on needs & objectives, not tools & tech, start with what you have, and what you need; 2) what are my options; an overview of modalities and choosing which technology to use; 3) technology diffusion, overcoming barriers; 4) emerging concepts, data analytics and augmented reality -- Poh Sun will present exclusively from two online platforms, which can be used for eLearning or mLearning / mobile learning (Blogger and Instagram), and will demonstrate the utility of both as presentation and curatorial tools; by blending online with classroom interaction); including sharing use in large group teaching (for undergraduate radiology and medical education faculty development), small group teaching / individual learning (for undergraduate radiology, postgraduate radiology, and medical education faculty development).

Further development and illustration of these ideas will take place during the main conference TeL symposium.

Additional section: Effective Visual Storytelling

1. Goh, P.S. A proposal for a grading and ranking method as the first step toward developing a scoring system to measure the value and impact of viewership of online material in medical education - going beyond “clicks” and views toward learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:62. Epub 2016 Dec 9.

2. Goh, P.S. Presenting the outline of a proposal for a 5 part program of medical education research using eLearning or Technology enhanced learning to support Learning through the continuum of Undergraduate, through Postgraduate to Lifelong learning settings. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:55. Epub 2016 Dec 7. 

3. Goh, P.S. The value and impact of eLearning or Technology enhanced learning from one perspective of a Digital Scholar. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:31. Epub 2016 Oct 18.

4. Goh, P.S. A series of reflections on eLearning, traditional and blended learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:19. Epub 2016 Oct 14.

5. Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.

6. Sandars, J., Goh, P.S. Is there a need for a specific educational scholarship for using e-learning in medical education? Med Teach. 2016 Oct;38(10):1070-1071. Epub 2016 April 19.

7. Goh, P.S. eLearning or Technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not Hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

8. Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):858. Epub 2016 Jul 14.

9. Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.

10. Sandars J, Patel RS, Goh PS, Kokatailo PK, Lafferty N. The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Mar 17:1-4.

11. Dong C, Goh PS. Twelve tips for the effective use of videos in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Feb; 37(2):140-5.

12. Liaw SY, Wong LF, Chan SW, Ho JT, Mordiffi SZ, Ang SB, Goh PS, Ang EN. Designing and evaluating an interactive multimedia Web-based simulation for developing nurses' competencies in acute nursing care: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jan 12;17(1):e5.
quoted in article 
"He Fixes the Cracked Spines of Books, Without an Understudy" 
in The New York Times, 
(linked to quote above)